London Central Falcon Hotel Paddington
The map below from Google shows our hotel location compared to main London tourist attractions. A
If this is your first visit to London we strongly suggest you buy a hop-on-hop-off bus ticket which will take you to all these places. You can get off the bus look around and take the next bus. Bus tickets are valid 24 hours from first boarding and 48 hours in the winter. By the time you finish your bus tour you would have a pretty good idea of what you like to visit for the rest of your stay.
The largest tour operator is Golden Tours. We recommend using hop on and hop off and other tours with them click here
We have 2 parties in the park every year both in the Summer. Here are some photos in a PDF files. Hope you enjoy because we like to thing we are the best location in London and the parties which are free are the proof!
For party photos please click here
For more party photos please click here